My professional, confidential, nutrition sessions will meet your personal needs and requirements, I am here to help you with your current situation and achieve your desired goals.
For those clients that may need further investigation into their weight gain or guidance on the best foods to eat for their age and lifestyle,I can provide a full report after completion of a nutritional analysis. Included in your personal report will be a list of all the recommended foods to eat, those to limit or avoid. Many clients choose to included this service to maximise the success of the Hypnotherapy weight loss program to achieve rapid weight loss goals.
My nutrition sessions are generally on a one to one basis in clinic or via Skype, however I can be booked to work with families on dietary improvements for general health and wellbeing or booked to run a corporate wellbeing event.
I offer the most advanced diagnostic food intolerance tests developed by Cambridge Nutritional Science, that help people get full control of their health.
The IgG test takes 40 minutes in clinic with immediate results from a finger prick blood test, testing for the top 46 known allergens. I can also offer tests for Candida, Coeliac disease, adrenal and thyroid function. All test are an aid to restoring optimal health.
Food intolerance can prevent weight loss, if you suffer from any unpleasant symptoms after consuming certain foods or drinks or can’t seem to loose weight no matter what you do, then I highly recommend this test for you, it has helped many clients to gain clarity on what their body maybe finding difficult to deal with.
BOOK a Consultation or Food Test