Raise Your Frequency
Science today points toward the existence of a collective field of subtle energy, that emanates from us individually. With our collective low awareness of this energy we are therefore also unaware that the energy we hold contributes towards the frequency of our planet. According to the Hawkin’s Scale, collectively, we are currently vibrating at around 200 – 250, i.e. “getting by”. We aren’t in flow, nor thriving. In order to take the next evolutionary step as human kind and to exist in harmony with the planet and all sentient beings, we should strive to elevate the collective frequency above 500.
This is where “The Infinity Life” comes in, we are a grass roots movement helping the collective to raise its frequency, one person at the time, by simply raising our individual frequencies. And you don’t have to have magic powers to do it.
The Course
This training is suitable for therapists and practitioners who wish to add to there skills and wish to become a trainer with ‘The Infinity Life’ or for anyone who wishes to clear their own energy centres and heal their deep core wounds and unmet needs.
- This 8 week course starts with a 2 hour session with your trainer to help clear your own energy your core wounds and unmet needs.
- We then proceed to our first group online zoom session the following week (maximum of 12 trainees per cohort).
- The following weeks you will use the skills you now have and practice your energy clearings with your fellow trainees. ( Minimum 1 practice per week)
- You will be invited to a Telegram group where you interact with all the trainees.
- Your trainer will check in with you weekly and make sure you are able to work your process and to check your own frequency daily and do self clearing)
- Half way through the course there will be another zoom online group session for your cohort to come together and check the frequency of the group and to discuss your process and learn from how others have done theirs.
- Practices continue in pairs with your cohort.
- Week 8 is graduation with a group session and Q&A.
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The Infinity Life Benefits
- Fulfil your life’s mission
- Have an opportunity to financially support yourself if you wish to become a trainer after graduation
- Join a growing community of people on the same path and mission
- Receive expert marketing, sales and operational support
- Enjoy the power of the collective energy to support you on your journey
- Help heal humanity’s core wounds and move it to the next evolutionary step
- All training materials are provided
- Training and methods are continuously evaluated and updated
- Certification and adherence to the highest standard of ethics
- Up to 80% less in investment compared to other facilitator courses
As a certified trainer with The Infinity Life I will train you to help you heal your core wounds and to clear you energy system, then you can if you choose pass it forward and train others. Each person that is trained helps heal the collective core wound and clear the collective energy.
Contact Us
Sign Up
If you wish to arrange a call to discuss if this course is suitable for you in more detail then please contact : [email protected]