‘Professional Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy,Psychotherapy and NLP’
This Practitioner Diploma course will teach you everything you need to know to be able to set up as an accredited GHR – Clinical Hypnotherapist and successfully treat clients.
The course is also beneficial to those who work in professions where hypnosis skills can help – such as Doctors, Dentists, and to complement other therapies. You will learn traditional Eriksonian Hypnosis along with the most advanced 21st century modern hypnotherapy techniques with a good basis in Psychotherapy and NLP. This tool-kit of the most powerful and up to date skills will prove invaluable to you when you set up in a practice and will enable you to treat a wide spectrum of client’s conditions.
Here is everything the course includes :
- 450 hours total study
- 120 practical intensive training hours, delivered by Louise Moore
- 10 home study modules with assignments and case studies to be completed in the students own time frame
- Certificate awarded to all students passing practical study and successfully completing the 10 home study models to the required standard set out by the GHSC.
Key Benefits:
- You will be trained by Louise Moore one of the UK’S top Harley Street Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapists with over 28 years experience
- The training course is accredited with the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council)
- On completion of the course be eligible to register with the GHR (General Hypnotherapy Register)
- Learn fast effective techniques that will bring your clients immediate results
- Learn Psychotherapy and NLP techniques to back up your clinical hypnotherapy skills
- Learn effective marketing to launch a successful practice and discover how to build a substantial income within your first 12 month.
Course Details:
- You will be eligible for accreditation by GHR(General Hypnotherapy Register) once your Diploma certificate has been awarded
- Course fee £2650 per student
- Pay up front for a £50 discount or spread payments over 12 months interest free.
Course Dates:
The professional practioner training course can commence at any time with the home study and the practical training hours in class run intensively every 3 months for 8 days.
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Contact LifeMatters Training College on:
[email protected] or call 020 3289 5116